Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: What is the purpose of the Lights...Camera...Prevention! (LCP!) contest?

    A: The purpose of the contest is to engage youth to learn about substance misuse and raise awareness about substance misuse prevention while having fun and learning new skills in a team environment. To learn more, please click the link below:

  • Q: Where can I learn more about the LCP! contest?

    A: For starters, you can read more about LCP! and the reasons behind developing it by clicking the About Us link below.

    We will be holding an informational session for students and potential adult team mentors who might be interested in participating but aren't sure yet or have questions. This will be held on Wednesday, January 8th at 4PM - to join the informational session please use the Zoom session link below.

    Finally, you can schedule a one-on-one conversation with a team member to ask any questions you have and determine if this is something that you think your group or class might want to pursue. To set up a virtual conversation and learn more, please email Kathy Clancy, Project Director, at We love talking with teachers and principals about this project, any barriers or concerns you may have before signing up, and how we can work together to make a difference in your community!

  • Q: What exactly does our team need to create to compete in the contest?

    A: By the end of the contest, each team needs to create and produce a 30- or 60-second video and/or a 30- or 60-second audio public service announcement (PSA). The LCP! project team walks students and their adult team mentors through the process and meets with each team along the way.

  • Q: What topics can youth make a public service announcement (PSA) about?

    A: Groups can select from four main categories for their PSA:

       • Alcohol

       • Marijuana

       • Opioids/prescription drugs

       • Tobacco/nicotine/vaping

    Topics in the category of opioids and prescription drugs, for example, might include oxycodone (Oxycontin), hydrocodone (Vicodin), morphine, methadone, or fentanyl, which are common types of opioids. Video and audio concepts must be related to one of the four categories. Our team is available for guidance and will provide feedback during specific progress intervals during the video or audio project development. Teams will be expected to include information regarding the science of addiction regardless of the topic chosen.

  • Q: Where can we learn more about the topic we pick?

    A: You can find information by going to trusted, fact-based websites. We will cover how to determine credible sources during a virtual addiction science and research-focused interactive presentation that we will deliver to your group. Facts cited in your audio/video will need to be vetted through our team and we will review your script together in our Pre-Production Meeting.

  • Q: We have decided we want to participate, so what is our next step?

    A: Your next step would be to get your team registered. Our next LCP! contest will launch in January 2025. Registration opens on Monday, December 16, 2024 and closes on Monday, January 13, 2025. Then, plan on your Adult Team Mentor and student participants attending our orientation webinar to be held on Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 4PM. You’ll receive all the project details during orientation. If you can't attend the orientation webinar on that date, please contact Kathy Clancy, Project Director, at to arrange for an alternate time.

  • Q: Any suggestions for how we can work together as a team?

    A: This project is designed to be completed in-person or virtually. Platforms like Google Hangout, FaceTime, or Zoom are great ways to have team members continue to meet things like the weather or busy schedules make it difficult to get your team together. All the materials for this contest are available on CyBox (similar to DropBox) and can be distributed to each team member.

  • Q: What if we need equipment?

    A: The entire project is designed to be done using a smartphone or tablet. During orientation, and as part of the participant guide, teams will receive recommendations regarding best practices for getting the best quality audio and video using smartphones/tablets as well as common items found around the home.

  • Q: How long do we have to finish and submit our PSA?

    A: Projects will need to be submitted by Wednesday, April 16, 2025.

  • Q: We don’t have anyone in our group or a teacher with audio/video experience but we are interested in participating. How can we do this?

    A: We have team members who can help! Just let us what you need help with and we can provide some guidance or tips for you to apply. However, it will be helpful if you can identify at least one student who has some audio/video experience to be on your team.

  • Q: What criteria will be judged?

    A: Each PSA will be judged on the following criteria:

       • How well did the PSA incorporate facts? And are the facts presented accurately?

       • How well did the PSA engage the listener/viewer? The "hook," call to action, overall creative concept, and balance between facts and a creative script fall into this category.

       • What was the overall production quality? This would include lighting, sound clarity, editing, length to fit either a 30-second or 60-second PSA spot.

Do you have a question that we didn't address here? Please reach out to Kathy Clancy, Project Director, at